Go-Getters Archive

Please view our awesome Go-Getters from the previous school years below.


May 2024

Daniel Claro Herrera (6th Grade)
Daniel is an outstanding student who is always very polite and eager to learn.

Daniel Claro Herrera

Naomi Velazquez Lucas (7th Grade)
Naomi is a sweet girl who works well with others and always does her best!

Naomi Velazquez Lucas

Jessica Flores (8th Grade)
Jessica has an amazing work ethic, helps fellow classmates and teachers, and is eager to learn!

Jessica Flores

April 2024

Jacob Gasca (6th Grade)

Jacob always participates in class, is technology savvy, and is very helpful to teachers/peers.

Jacob Gasca, Go-Getter

Andres Lopez (7th Grade – No Photo)

Andres is good natured, polite, funny, a great friend, and is dedicated to school work.

Fernando Reyes (8th Grade)

Fernando is consistently a hard worker, is very respectful, works well with others, has great behavior, and is a pleasure to have in class.

Fernando Reyes, Go-Getter

March 2024

Allison Aguilera Orozco (6th Grade)

Allison is helpful to teachers and peers, is always giving her best, and is an excellent student.

Allison Aguilera Orozco, Go-Getter

Josephine Martinez Lucero (7th Grade)

Josephine is incredibly kind and helpful, takes pride in giving 100% at all times, and is a model student.

Josephine Martinez Lucero, Go-Getter

Araceli Sanchez Placencia (8th Grade)

Araceli works hard, pays attention, and is respectful to teachers and peers. She always goes above and beyond expectations.

Araceli Sanchez Placencia, Go-Getter

February 2024

Janine Solis (6th Grade)
Janine works hard and always does her best. She is respectful and willing to help out her peers.

Shelsy Padilla Quinonez (7th Grade)
Shelsy works very hard to succeed, helps her fellow classmates without being asked, and she is a wonderful person.

Angel Molina Rodriguez (8th Grade)
Angel has put in consistent top-notch effort, always pushing himself towards personal growth. He is well-behaved and very respectful to everyone.

January 2024

Mariajose Ochoa (6th Grade)

Mariajose is always on task, helps others, always has a smile on her face, and is a pleasure to have in class.

Mariajose Ochoa

Gamaliel Muniz-Rodriguez (7th Grade)

Gamaliel is a hard worker, kind-hearted, wants to learn and succeed.

Gamaliel Muniz Rodriguez

Megan Lopez (8th Grade)

Megan is very helpful to teachers and students, always strives to be the best, and is a hard worker.

Megan Lopez

December 2023

Jeremy Lupercio Alvarado (6th Grade)

Jeremy is an amazing student. He is always helping out in class with his classmates and myself. He always participates in class and is very respectful to everyone.

Jeremy Lupercio Alvarado

Jose Mendoza (7th Grade)

Jose is always willing to help out other students and teachers, maintains excellent grades, gives his personal best, and has a great attitude.

Jaime Chavoya (8th Grade)

Jaime is always on task and actively participating in class. He is very well behaved and hard working. He treats his classmates and teachers with kindness and respect.

Jaime Chavoya

November 2023

Evelyn Stelton (8th Grade)

Evelyn completes assignments well and participates in class, is always positive, and is well-behaved. She is respectful to her peers and teachers.

Evelyn Stelton
Sofia Hernandez Moreno (6th Grade)

Sofia is a model student, eager to learn, and participates in classes.

Sofia Hernandez Moreno
Bryan Garcia Corona (7th Grade)

Despite being quiet, Bryan is self motivated, helps others, completes all tasks, is polite, and is respectful.

Bryan Garcia Corono

October 2023

Raquel Antelo Navarro (6th Grade)

Raquel works hard in class, very kind to fellow students, and always wants to help others.

Raquel Antelo Navarro
Lourdes Sandoval (7th Grade)

Lourdes is committed to being the best student, diligence to maintain good grades, willingness to help others, and has a wonderful attitude.

Lourdes Sandoval
Brian Mandujano (8th Grade)

Brian is very polite and hard working, actively engaged and regularly answers questions, submits work, and helps others.

Brian Mandujano

September 2023

Mia Montano (6th Grade)

Mia is a hard-working student who shows great effort and is a kind and pleasant person.

Mia Montano
Sebastian Cruz Peralta (7th Grade)

Sebastian is always willing to help others and is a model student who gives his all to excel in class.

Sebastian Cruz Peralta
William Estrada Rodriguez (8th Grade)

William always participates, asks questions, and is very respectful to teachers and classmates.

William Estrada Rodriguez

August 2023

Amilia Clemente (6th Grade)

Amilia always participates, does her best, is kind, and loves to help her peers. She has a great attitude and is very sweet!

Amilia Clemente

Betzaira Diaz Jimenez (7th Grade)

Betzaira is a great help to teachers and fellow students and always strives to be the best.

Betzaira Diaz

Raquel Guadarrama (8th Grade)

Raquel is respectful, well behaved, and works well with others. Raquel works hard in class and follows school and classroom rules and procedures. She also has a positive attitude.

Raquel Guadarrama


May 2023

Marione Arroyo

Marione is a fabulous student academically, and has made tremendous personal growth in overcoming hurdles.

Marione Arroyo

Manuel Jorquera

Manuel is always on task, wants to help others, is not afraid to ask for help, and is a smart kid.

Manuel Iorquera

Yesenia Sanchez Placencia

Yesenia is always on task, turns assignments in on time, and is a great role model.

Yesenia Sanchez Placencia

April 2023

Andres Cota Ahumada

Andres is very kind, respectful, has a great attitude, and is a positive role model.

Andres Cota Ahumada

Diego Jaramillo

Diego is a hard worker, respectful, and always tries his best.
(No picture.)

Vianette Naranjo-Morales

Vianette is always willing to help teachers and students, has a positive attitude, and is a bright young lady.

Vianette Naranjo Morales

March 2023

Marcos Medina-McManis

Marcos is always willing to help others, hard worker in class, positive influence, and is funny.

Marcos Medina Mcmanis

Elley Plascencia

Elley has a positive attitude, is hard working, and is always smiling.

Elley Plascencia

Kayleen Tejeda

Kayleen is always polite, a hard worker, and a fantastic student!

Kayleen Tejeda

February 2023

Teresa Hernandez

Teresa is always participating, willing to help classmates, and is self motivated for success.


Isabella Medrano

Isabella is a great worker and addition to our campus, as well as being a model student.
(No picture.)

Shelsy Padilla Quinonez

Shelsy is a smart, polite young lady who is always willing to help others.
(No picture.)

December 2022

Diego Gonzalez Bracamontes (6th Grade)

Diego is extremely helpful towards his peers, responsible, kind, and always willing to learn. (No picture.)

Naara Soto (7th Grade)

Naara is a joy to have in class. She is respectful, hardworking, has become more confident in her work, and has become confident enough to start advocating for help from teachers whenever she needs assistance.

Naara Soto

Elizabeth Gil Long (8th Grade)

Elizabeth is always respectful and comes in every day with a great attitude. We can count on her to do the right thing and to help out when needed.

Elizabeth GilLong

November 2022

Kamila Meza Grajeda (6th Grade)

Kamila shows pride in her work, is willing to participate in discussions, and works well with table mates.

Kamila Meza Grajeda

Josie Velasco (7th Grade)

Josie is a hard worker, is polite and kind to others, and is always trying her best.

Josie Velasco

Diana Garza (8th Grade)

Diana is always giving her best, she works hard on all tasks, is polite, and goes out of her way to help others.

Diana Garza

October 2022

Lourdes Sandoval (6th Grade)

Lourdes always tries her best, pays attention in class, and is very polite and respectful towards others.

Lourdes Sandova

Ulises Mendoza (7th Grade)

Ulises is a very hard worker, polite, respectful, and is always willing to help others.

Ulises Mendoza

Neftaly Diaz-Rosas (8th Grade)

Neftaly is extremely well behaved, cooperative, respectful, and is a hard worker.

Neftaly Diaz Rosas

September 2022

Sebastian Cruz Peralta (6th Grade)

Sebastian is very respectful and kind to others, hard working, always positive, and gives his best efforts.

Sebastian Cruz Peralta

Raquel Guadarrama (7th Grade)

Raquel is very respectful and courteous to others, always willing to help classmates, and a hard worker.

Raquel Guadarrama

Eimy Vargas Sandoval (8th Grade)

Eimy displays a strong work ethic and determination, positive attitude, and appreciation and dedication to her education.

Eimy Vargas Sandoval

August 2022

Nomar Almenara-Hernandez

Nomar has a great attitude, assists others willingly, works well with others, and is positive and responsible.

Nomar Almenara

Sadie Garnica

Sadie is very polite and respectful and works well with others.

Sadie Garnica

Amy Paredes Olivera

Amy completes all assignments neatly and on time, assists other students, works hard, and loves to participate in class.

Amy Paredes Olivera


May 2022

Aaden Herrera

Aaden is very conscientious about completing work accurately. He has done a complete 180 since the beginning of the year. Great kid!


Deisi Esquivel-Ruiz

Deisi Esquivel is an exceptionally hard worker who wants to do well on every task.


Esmeralda Ortega Ruelas

Esmerelda Ortega puts her best effort forward every time. She is quiet and an incredibly hard worker.


April 2022

Naara Soto

Naara is a hard worker, respectful, asks lots of questions, and is a great student!

Naara Soto

Jocelyn Castro

Jocelyn is a hard worker, very courteous to staff and students, and helpful towards classmates.

Evelyn Vargas

Evelyn is a respectful, hard worker, kind to others, and helps others in need.

Evelyn Vargas

March 2022

Ivanna Campos Gomez

Ivanna is a very hard worker and is also self-motivated. She is also quiet and mighty.

Ivanna Campos Gomez

Analia Nevarez Zamora

Analia is a model student and works hard on all tasks. She is very quiet and gets assignments completed.

Analia Nevarez Zamora

Angel Quibrera

Angel works hard on all assignments, always looking to do better, and is responsible.

Angel Quibrera

February 2022

Nathan Fields

Nathan is eager to work hard in the classroom and is respectful to teachers and peers.


Miguel Linares

Miguel is always striving to do well in his classes and has wonderful classroom behavior.


Samantha Moreno

Samantha is a very bright and mature student and is always super helpful to teachers and peers.


January 2022

Manuel Jorquera

Manuel is self-driven and motivated to work.

Manuel Jorquera

Ulises Mendoza

Ulises is always trying his little heart out in class.

Ulises Mendoza

Rafael Rodriguez

Rafael always has a positive attitude and makes the class environment fun!

Rafael Rodriguez

Xiclaly Serrato

Xiclaly completes assignments in class and puts forth effort in making better social choices.

Xiclaly Serrato

Evelyn Stelton

Evelyn is self-driven and motivated to work.

Evelyn Stelton

December 2021

Xavier Arellano

Xavier Arellano has shown such improvement in his writing and has a desire to be successful.

Xavier Arellano

Marlene San Roman

Marlene San Roman is honest, dependable, motivated to be successful, and helps others.

Marlene San Roman

Elayne Lopez-Rivera

Elayne Lopez-Rivera is always asking questions when she does not understand something, and she assists other students when they need help.

Elayne Lopez Rivera

November 2021

Jadeus Perez

Jadeus Perez is a hard worker, with a great attitude, participates in class, and always gives her all.

Jadeus Perez

Guadalupe Castellanos Vazquez

Guadalupe Castellanos Vazquez has a sweet personality, has a great attitude, is a hard worker, and willingly assists others

Guadalupe Castellanos

Leonardo Torua Rubio

Leonardo Torua Rubio is respectful, is a hard worker, and wants to help others.

Leonardo Torua

October 2021

Harvey Boys

Harvey Boys is hard working, quick to help others, very respectful, and a great role model to all.

Harvey Boys

Jessica Flores

Jessica Flores is hard working and always willing to help others. She stays on task and demonstrates a fantastic attitude.

Jessica Flores

Janah Gasca Martinez

Janah Gasca Martinez is a hard worker, does a great job asking for clarification, and is always polite with classmates.

Janah Gasca Martinez

Evelyn Stelton

Evelyn Stelton is driven to be successful in all her classes, helps classmates, and goes above and beyond to succeed.

Evelyn Stelton

September 2021

Diana Garza

Diana Carza is an extremely bright, mature and hard-working student. She is always willing to help others.

Diana Garza

Kitzia Lopez Sifuentes

Kitzia Lopez Sifuentes is self-motivated, mature, and incredibly helpful. Overall, she has a great perspective and attitude.

Kitzia Lopez Sifuentes

Sofia Martinez

Sofia Martinez is hard working and always willing to help other students. She is also very dedicated and turns in quality work.

Sofia Martinez

Sergio Perez Arellano

Sergio Perez Arellano is always eager to participate. He works hard everyday and assists others to stay focused. He is certainly a natural leader.

Sergio Perez Arellano

August 2021

Alexander De La Riva

Alexander De La Riva is a great student who leads by example. He is driven and respectful, and takes it upon himself to correct other student’s behaviors.

Rosabella Galindo

Rosabella Galindo always comes into class eager and ready to learn. She keeps the positive energy and enthusiasm going.

Rosabella Galindo

Galilea Garcia

Galilea Garcia is an amazing student. She’s always very responsible and eager to learn.

Galilea Garcia

Stacy Rivera

Stacy Rivera is a hard worker in her classes. She is quiet but gets the job done!

Stacy Rivera