Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if my child is absent?
It is crucial for the parent to contact the school at 502-7000 by 9:00 a.m. the day of the absence. Absent students need to return with a note explaining the reason for being gone. An absence note is a must! Otherwise, we will record your the absence as “unexcused.”
If I need to take my child out of school early, what steps should I follow?
Check in with the front office to let us know you want to take your child out of school early. Once you arrive in our office, we will notify the classroom teacher to send him/her to the office. We will not dismiss students to walk alone to either go home or to appointments. You must be present to check out your child. If at all possible, schedule doctor appointments after school hours. Please refer to the school attendance policy.
What meals does the cafeteria serve and what does it cost?

Junior High Non-Pricing School: Fourth Avenue Junior High

We know that breakfast is the most important part of the day. That is why at Yuma School District One, we offer breakfast at no cost. We serve breakfast from 8:10 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. Please join us! If a parent or child would like to join a student and purchase breakfast, the cost is $2.00. We also offer lunch to all students at no cost. If a parent or guest would like to join their child for lunch, the cost is $3.00. We look forward to serving you!

If your teen brings a sack lunch from home, they may purchase a juice or milk for 25 cents to go with their meal.

What is Fourth Avenue Jr. High's dress code?

Fourth Avenue Junior High has a uniform policy, approved by the Yuma Elementary School District. This uniform policy takes into consideration the educational environment, safety, health, and welfare of our students.

  • Shirts must be a solid, red polo-style with a collar with two to three buttons maximum. The top button must be unbuttoned at all times. Shirts may be short or long sleeved. We do not permit sleeveless shirts. Pictures, words, or logos are also not allowed unless it is a FAJH logo. Shirts may be tucked or untucked with the length limit at the wrist. Undershirts, if worn, must be solid red, black, white, or gray and cannot be longer than the shirt. Shirts may not be altered, clipped, or tied back.
  • Pants, shorts, or skorts must be solid black. The length of skirts, shorts, and skorts must be below mid-thigh. Anything shorter is considered a dress code violation. Pants, shorts, or skorts must be worn at the waist at all times. Pants, shorts, or skorts must be no larger than one size more than the student’s normal size. Excessively baggy pants are considered a dress code violation. Hems should not be frayed or drag on the floor. Shorts must be the appropriate length and not shorter than the fingertips when arms descend down along the side of the body. Decorative stitching and/or designs on bottoms are not allowed. Pants cannot be ripped or torn. No gym shorts, sweatpants, leggings, jeggings, or other articles of clothing deemed inappropriate by administration are allowed.
  • Eighth grade students must wear khaki pants. This pertains only to eighth grade students, who wear khaki pants and a red polo.

For more information about the uniform policy or for information about accessories, please read our student handbook under Helpful Links at the top of the page.

What personal items should my student not bring to school?
For further information refer to prohibited articles in the agenda located under Helpful Links at the top of the page.
What if my student loses a belonging?
We try our best to return lost items to students, but we need your help. Whenever possible, please label your children’s belongings. Be sure to label coats, sweaters, lunch pails, and anything else you would want returned to you if they were to get lost. Lost items will be stored in the front office, so please come by to claim your missing item.
Can my child ride a bike to school?
Yes. City law requires all minors to wear a helmet for safety reasons. We also have bike racks available for parking the bikes, and we require students to lock their bikes. Fourth Avenue Jr. High is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged bikes.
Is bussing available for my child?
Yes. Yuma Elementary School District offers bus transportation to students who live north of 1st Street and south of 8th street. Please remind your students that riding the bus is a privilege. Students who misbehave on the bus will lose their bus riding privileges.
My child needs to take medication daily. How will you make sure he/she will receive it?
Please label all of your child’s medications properly and keep them in the school health office. Only our school nurse will hand out the medicine to a student. Prescription medicines must be prescribed by a doctor and have documentation telling how much and how often the medicine must be taken. Please be sure to contact the health office ahead of time if you want your child taking over-the-counter medicines, too.
When do grades come out?
Please refer to the school calendar for the dates when your child will be bringing home his/her report cards.
What are the school hours?
School begins at 8:40 a.m. and ends at 3:45 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. Every Monday is an early release day on which students leave at 2:15 p.m. Please be on time to classes!